The Black Ibis Tarot is my second tarot deck and a little bit eclectic in style. I consider it the companion deck to my Sepia Stains Tarot as they’re both from my graphic novel of the same name. In the story the decks are used to play a game that allows for peaceful resolution of disputes in an underground world. The Sepia deck offers character portraits while this deck I tried to recreate scenes from the story. The artwork is done in the style of the graphic novel and features symbolism influenced by the Rider Waite Smith deck, at least as far as the major arcana goes. The minor arcana uses pips and characters from propaganda posters from the graphic novel. It’s a beautiful deck if I can set aside modesty for a moment. This is the second edition of the deck. Below is a partial preview of the deck, not all cards are pictured. When this deck is available it can be purchased through The Attic Shoppe Trading Co.
- Model & Photographer Credits:
- The Fool: model/Bethany Grenier – photo/Bajema
- The Priestess: model/Kambriel – photo/Visioluxus
- The Emperor: model/Emmy Jackson – photo/Lex Machina
- The Hierophant: model/Clint Catalyst
- Lovers/Chariot: models/Audria Larsen/Rachel Finan – photo/Jim Gebben
- Magician/Strength/Hermit/World: model/Audria Larsen – photo/Jim Gebben
- Justice/Hanged Man: model/Rachel Finan – photo/Jim Gebben
- Death: model/Ugly Shyla – photo/John Santerineross
- Temperance: model/Suzanne Gerber – photo/Self Portrait
- Devil: model/Gerald Brom
- The Star: model/Nadja Lev – photo/Chad Micheal Ward
- The Moon: model/Zoetica Ebb – photo/Jhonen Vasquez
- The Sun: model/Meredith Yayanos – photo/Nadja Lev