Card of the Day: The Lenormand Ring

Attic Cartomancy - Card of the Day - The Butterfly Lenormands Ring
It might have become noticeable that most of my card of the day posts are written in regards to myself. I also like to change up decks so I’m learning more about each deck card by card. I have come to find that with the Lenormand doing a one card reading isn’t always practical as the meaning of the card has a lot to do with the surrounding cards. So instead I just use that card to learn a bit more about it and what question it might suggest I ask myself.

Today I drew the Lenormand deck’s Ring card and this one is from my Butterfly Circus deck. I used my conjoined twins in the artwork with the ring represented in their headdress. One of the meanings behind this card is being in a committed relationship. These gals don’t get much more committed than being joined at the hip. 😉 The card suggests you ask: If you’re in a relationship is the commitment between the two of you equal? If you’re single perhaps there is someone about to come into your life.

This card also can represent going in circles or repeating a cycle. Maybe you’re stuck at a place you don’t want to be in and you need to find a way to pull yourself out of the repetition of that place. So in pulling this card by itself I might ask myself: Is my creature of habit ways getting a bit too creature of habit? How do I feel about that?

There are a lot of literal meanings attributed to this card and many of them pertain to being committed to something; be it a person, an agreement, a business arrangement, and so on. Today I’ll be brushing up on those things. That is after this very creature of habit gets some of my daily cycle cycled. 😉

This Card of the Day was originally posted December of 2016. The ring card featured is from my Butterfly Circus Lenormand. Are you interested in this deck? Check purchase availability at The Attic Shoppe Trading Co.

Posted in: Card of the Day

Published by Bethalynne

Remember to take a moment and stop by The Attic Shoppe Trading Co. for available decks and related products -- like apparel, handmade jewelry, and OOAK packaging for special deck editions. When I'm not working on my shoppe and current deck projects I'm busy trying to become a Practical Magic aunt and overcoming this darn squirrel stalking obsession. You can always visit me on instagram or pop over to my portfolio to see my other art and writing projects.